Launchtec rest blade - two hole
The Launchtec blades are made of epoxy composite the advantage of using this material over steel is that it will not rust, returns to its start position quicker (i.e. does not resonate like steel) has less chatter on draw, and is kinder to carbon arrows.
Launchtec rest blade - hex hole
The Launchtec blades are made of epoxy composite the advantage of using this material over steel is that it will not rust, returns to its start position quicker (i.e. does not resonate like steel) has less chatter on draw, and is kinder to carbon arrows.
Launchtec rest blade - Beiter
The Launchtec blades are made of epoxy composite the advantage of using this material over steel is that it will not rust, returns to its start position quicker (i.e. does not resonate like steel) has less chatter on draw, and is kinder to carbon arrows.
Beiter Launcher Blade
Hylleblad for Beiter compoundhylle
Hamskea Target Conversion Kit
Convert your Trinity Hunter Pro or Hybrid Hunter Pro Arrow Rest into a target arrow rest.
Hamskea Archery Conversion Kit Epsilon Target
Convert your Epsilon Arrow Rest into a target arrow rest.